After know about arduino, let me play with how Arduino wors and what can we do with it.
Actually, Arduino is a great tool for developing interactive objects,
taking inputs from a variety of switches or sensors and controlling a variety
of lights, motors and other outputs. Arduino projects can be stand-alone or
they can be connected to a computer using USB. The Arduino will be seen by the
computer as a standard serial interface (do you remember the COM1 on Windows?). There are serial
communication APIs on most programming languages so interfacing Arduino with a
software program running on the computer should be pretty straightforward.
The Arduino board is a microcontroller board, which is a
small circuit (the board) that contains a whole computer on a small chip (the
microcontroller). There are different versions of the Arduino board. They are
different in components, aim and size, etc. Some examples of Arduino boards
are: Arduino Diecimila, Arduino Duemilanove, Freeduino, Arduino NG and lot
more. Arduino schematics are distribute using an open licese so anyone is free
to build his own Arduino compatible board. The Arduino name is a registered
trademark so you won't be able to call your hacked board Arduino.
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