Monday 17 November 2014


LDR Module is a light sensor. Also known as Light Dependent Resistor. (LDR).

Typically, the resistance of the light sensor will decrease when the ambient light intensity increase. The features of LDR Module are discussing below;

  • Can detect ambient brightness and light intensity
  • Adjustable sensitivity (by drop any object in front)
  • Operating voltage almost 3.3V-5V
  • Output type ; analog voltage output -A0 
  • With fixed bolt hole for easy installation
  • Just a small board PCB
  • Size : 3cm * 1.6cm
  • Power indicator (red) and the digital switch output indicator (green)
  • Stable and small plate
  • External GND GND
  • A0 small board analog output interface

How to used:

  • Photosensitive resistor module most sensitive to environmental light intensity is generally used to detect ambient brightness and light intensity.
  • As a module light conditions or light intensity reach the set threshold.
  • Detecting the ambient light intensity changes
  • Digital output module , DO can directly drive the relay module, which can be composed of photoelectric switch.
  • Analog output module AO connected to the converter then we can get a more accurate light intensity value.

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