Tuesday 29 April 2014


The block diagram that I already prepared based on my project which is the title " car security alarm and GPS coordinate by using Arduino" is shown below.

The overall design block diagram of Security alarm and GPS Coordinate using Arduino is shown above. In this design, the systems are divide into two main parts which is Arduino application Software as a microcontroller board and Android application. 

From the block diagram designing, firstly I need to install the Android application via smart phone. The key application that I installed is GPS coordinate with set the alarm from that. Then I programmed the Arduino microcontroller with C++ program and put it inside the car with alarm, GPS and antenna. The pictures are shown above for conceptual block digram of Security alarm with GPS coordinate. So, from the smart phone and car connected to each other by GPS. Last but not least, as an output signal they are show by LCD and LED which is as a spare part that produce the location from LCD and light bulb when connect to the circuit from LED.

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